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“I dream ... to live out my dreams”


Since young, there has always been the artistic flair in of me.


I lived in America for 4 years, study and work, but most of my life I live in Singapore. So Singapore has always been a home to me.


I have been interested in photography and design more than a decade ago but until recently I did not do much to pursue it. Then in 2004, the purchased of a digital camera catalysed my interest in photography as my creativity began to develop. It started with taking random pictures of anything remotely interesting. The more I did that the more I began to see the artistic value in these random moments in time. I began to see how pictures tell stories, capture memories, and evoke feelings. In sunsets, I can feel the warmth of the suns' ray from deep inside as if the sunset wasn't just in the picture, but in me. In buildings and architecture I wonder at how people have been impacted by being in that place. I wonder about the stories that could be told by any number of people who have been there. I look at nature and marvel at God's creation. Photography sometimes excites me, sometimes relaxes me, often challenges me, but always fascinates me. It reminds me of the experiences I have been through ...


I want to continue to hone my talent. I'm always looking for a new angle, a new perspective, a new way of capturing beauty, whether it be man-made or God-created.


What about you? What are your dreams? How have you lived them out?


I dream... to live out my dreams

Raymond Yee


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